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#STL2039 Workshop—Prepare your organization to boldly champion Racial Equity

Workshop Overview | Registration | Frequently Asked Questions | Download Workshop Flyer

Bring a group of three to five people from your organization or institution with you to this two-day workshop on systems change and actionable visions for Racial Equity.

More and more institutions of all kinds—from education to philanthropy, nonprofits to businesses—are realizing the imperative of incorporating Racial Equity into their structure, policies, practices, and work. Join Forward Through Ferguson for an opportunity to strengthen your organization’s capacity to put Racial Equity and systems change into practice. 

Achieving #STL2039 Workshops

Two-day workshop offered.

Workshop Description:

Through two consecutive half-day sessions your team of three to five will discover what role your organization can play in accelerating action to achieve Racial Equity and #STL2039.

#STL2039: a future St. Louis where Racial Equity is the reality, 25 years after the killing of Michael Brown and #Ferguson. A future state where our systems (justice, health, transportation, housing, and more) work well for all people, so that disparities are closed and all residents—regardless of race or zip code—have justice and the opportunity to thrive. It can be a powerful tool to align efforts to transformational, measurable outcomes and activate to solve root causes instead of symptoms.

By the end of the interactive workshops, your team will be able to declare your organization’s bold and measurable #STL2039 goal aligned to the regional Equity Indicators.

Workshop Outcomes:

  • Shared language and understanding around Racial Equity and systems change.
  • An organizational assessment of systemic barriers facing your work and strategies to address them.
  • A specific, bold, and outcomes-based #STL2039 vision for your organization with alignment to regional Equity Indicators dashboard.


We are looking for organizations that:

  • Can bring a team of 3-5 people.
  • Have already begun some base conversations, training, or steps on Racial Equity in their organization and want to deepen their commitment, understanding, and action.

Register here.

Two-day workshop offered:

  • November 9th (Wed) & November 16th (Wed)

The workshop fee is $2,950.00 per group of three to five people. Space is limited so register early; some scholarships are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Forward Through Ferguson?

Forward Through Ferguson (FTF) was established as a 501(c)3 to be a catalyst for lasting positive change in the St. Louis region as outlined in the Ferguson Commission Report. Embracing the Commission’s mandate, FTF centers impacted communities and mobilizes accountable bodies to advance racially equitable systems and policies that ensure all people in the St. Louis region can thrive.

Forward Through Ferguson:

  • Works as a catalyst, connecting and challenging stakeholders across the region to implement the 189 Calls to Action outlined in the Ferguson Commission Report;
  • Helps organizations and institutions build the capacity they need to help dismantle systemic racism; and
  • Serves People of Color, who most experience inequity, through a systems-change approach that will strengthen the region for us all.

Is FTF a diversity and inclusion trainer?

No, FTF does not operate as a diversity and inclusion trainer or practitioner. FTF was created to carry forth the community insight and vision of the Ferguson Commission, which identified the need for defining the path for individuals, organizations and institutions, and the region to move from awareness of racial inequities to transformational action that eliminates those inequities.

We are invested in building St. Louis’ muscle for activating on Racial Equity and systems change. In practice, this means we’ve served as infrastructure builders and “wayfinders”—helping organizations, institutions, and sectors to assess where they are, to orient themselves on the path to Racial Equity, to develop a plan of action, and connecting them to capacity-building resources (including trainers, specialists, tools, and models).

Who does FTF work with?

Forward Through Ferguson, in the tradition of the Ferguson Commission, works with organizations across traditional power hierarchies and sectors while working to maintain ultimate accountability to affected communities of color. In the last year, FTF has worked with service and advocacy nonprofits, grassroots organizations, government offices and officials, foundations, research institutions, school districts, and corporations.

What tools has FTF created for organizations and institutions to build the capacity to advance Racial Equity?

Part of our mission is to capture learnings and outcomes into tools for catalysts across of the region, of all kinds, who want to advance Racial Equity. Here are some of the tools we’ve produced or partnered to produce: