What is Racial Equity?
Racial Equity can be defined as “a state in which life outcomes are no longer predictable by race.”
Why Work With Forward Through Ferguson?
Forward Through Ferguson works to catalyze a St. Louis where systems work well for people of all races. This transformative vision centers a St. Louis where race and zip code will no longer influence life outcomes like obtaining a quality education, earning a living wage, and having affordable housing in a safe neighborhood. Together, we can transform St. Louis towards Racial Equity by conducting workshops, interventions, and assessments that support institutional transformation.
Racial Equity Roundtable Applications Are Open!
FTF is excited to reconvene the Racial Equity Roundtable 4.0 (RERT) cohorts this October. FTF’s Racial Equity Roundtables are advanced eight-month leadership development and action-planning programs. This year we are holding an additional cohort for Arts & Culture based organizations and Religious/Spirituality-based institutions. Cohort meetings will generally be held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month through May 2025. A confirmation of the final dates will be sent in August to those who are accepted. Click here to learn more about the Racial Equity Roundtable.
The 2024 Racial Equity Roundtable application deadline has passed.
Learn More
View the carousel below to learn about how Forward Through Ferguson can help your organization build Racial Equity capacity. If you have questions about upcoming offerings, please email recb@forwardthroughferguson.org.