Photo of Amanda Colón-Smith and her daughter. Amanda is a Black woman with glasses, a denim dress, and twists. Her daughter is a lighter skinned Black girl with her hands on her hips, a pink tutu, and a top that has black on the tummy and blue and pink stripes on top. The daughter is wearing several braids and is smiling while Amanda is crouched next to her outdoors in their front yard.

Photo by Humans of St. Louis

We make policy recommendations grounded in trailblazing data and research.

Forward Through Ferguson (FTF) creates tools and resources for advocates seeking to transform our signature priority areas: Youth At The Center, Justice For All, and Opportunity To Thrive.

In order to transform the St. Louis region towards Racial Equity, we need to understand the history and context behind harmful systems and learn best practices for working against and dismantling those systems. FTF’s community accountability and advocacy tools give an overview of the systems we’re attempting to change that is grounded in the lived experience of people most impacted by systemic racism and injustice. Our tools offer original data and research, policy recommendations, best practices, and storytelling to inform and empower Racial Equity advocates. Use and share FTF’s advocacy tools below.

#10YearsLater: A Data Retrospective

Ten years since the Ferguson uprising, we have released #10YearsLater: A Data Retrospective to share our original data and research about what has and has not changed across the signature priority areas identified by the Ferguson Commission — Youth at the Center, Opportunity to Thrive, Justice for All, and Racial Equity.

Watch the video trailer here.

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Transforming 911

Photo of St. Louis residents at Thomas Dunn Learning Center. From left to right, there is an older Black woman with curly hair with a mask under her chin, a knit top and bag, Erricka Moorehead, a Black 911 dispatcher wearing a t-shirt, Patrice Hill, a Black former Racial Healing + Justice Fund Community Governance Board member in an all black outfit with glasses and a mask under her chin, a femme with short hair and light skin with a white shirt that says mo justice for mo heaux and short magenta pants. In the back is Sara Nixon, a bald Black person with a mask on. They are all smiling.
Photo by Raquita Henderson

Transforming 911 is a report that provides an overview of our region’s 911 landscape by analyzing 911 calls made to St. Louis County Police Department

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Still Unequal

Six Black children sitting and standing around a silver sedan. They are smiling and wearing different clothes and the light makes it look like it's summer.
Photo by Humans of St. Louis

Still Unequal focuses on the ways our education system is still separate and unequal in many ways even 60 years after Brown vs the Board of Education

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Still Compromising

Still Compromising The Series graphic with navy blue background and an orange banner where the title is foregrounded. There are arrows pointing towards and away from the title. In the bottom right corner is the Forward Through Ferguson simplified logo in a circle. The logo is STL in all caps and white font and a small arrow in the upper right corner.

The pandemic and its disproportionate effects on Black St. Louisans pulled back the veil on our broken and inequitable systems. In this series we explore how COVID-19 has laid bare the ways we continue to compromise on our shared values and how we can use this crisis as an opportunity to catalyze Racial Equity. #StillCompromising

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State of the Report

Cover of "The State of the Report: Tracking the Ferguson Commission's Calls to Action" August 2018. At the top is a mosaic of St. Louis residents, at the bottom is a blue map of St. Louis and there are two line graphs with arrows to the right.

State of the Report is Forward Through Ferguson’s first report tracking the 189 calls to action in the original Ferguson Commission Report

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State of Police Reform

Cover of The State of Police Reform report dated September 2019. There is a photo of the Police Headquarters from St. Louis downtown with a blue overlay.

The State of Police Reform is the follow up to the State of the Report, and focuses specifically on the successes and challenges of police reform in our region

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Power Behind the Badge

The Power Behind the Badge series seeks to demystify the power of scope of the police through budget analysis and power mapping 

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Falling Through Cracks

Falling Through The Cracks: Disparities in Out-of-School Suspension in St. Louis at the Intersection of Race, Disability, and Gender. By: Karishma Furtado, MPH Alexis Duncan, PhD Jennifer Kocher Pranav Nandan. The cover of this report contains broken pastels and overlapping circles of different colors. At the bottom are logos for Forward Through Ferguson, Washington University in St. Louis, and West County Community Action Network (WECAN).

“Falling Through the Cracks: Disparities in Out of School Suspension in St. Louis at the Intersection of Race, Disability, and Gender” investigated how race, sex, and disability came together to affect risk of out of school suspensions (OSS) for kindergartners through 12th graders in the St. Louis region. This report used data from the 2015-16 school year.

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Equity Indicators

Equity Indicators logo with Ei in a box like an element on the periodic table. At the bottom there are black and colored bars like a moving bar graph.

The Equity Indicators Project is in response to the Ferguson Commission’s call to action for a racial equity benchmarking process. The Project will quantify the state of racial equity in St. Louis and measure progress over time

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#STL2039 Action Plan

Photo by Humans of St. Louis

The #STL2039 Action Plan shared Forward Through Ferguson’s Three Action Strategies and Equation for Equity that defined our work between 2018 and 2021, to move the region closer to #STL2039. #STL2039 is our goal to achieve “A transformed St. Louis region where, regardless of race and ZIP code, there is justice for all, the opportunity to thrive, and boundless possibility for all of our youth.”

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Advancing Positive Change Toolkit

Advancing Positive Change: A TOOLKIT FOR EQUITY AND EMPOWERMENT. Presented by Forward Through Ferguson in partnership with the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis. The cover of this report has in the background a mosaic of St. Louis residents with a blue overlay and white font on the top.
Photo by Humans of St. Louis

The Advancing Positive Change toolkit seeks to map out the underlying conditions that led to the events in Ferguson in August 2014, highlight the community’s response, and share some of the key lessons learned in the process. This toolkit was created for the 2017 National Urban League Conference in partnership with the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis.

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Ferguson Commission Report

Blue with white font cover of Ferguson Commission report. On left is a square with STL and upper right arrow. In the center in large font is Forward Through Ferguson: A Path Toward Racial Equity.

The Ferguson Commission report is a report for St. Louis residents and policymakers alike; a study of underlying issues that contributed to the events in Ferguson, the Ferguson uprising, and the response that followed; a narrative that outlines a path and is the beginning of the work ahead; and an invitation to be unflinching in addressing the realities and struggles in St. Louis in order to move forward towards Racial Equity.

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