Members of Racial Healing + Justice Pilot Fund 2022-2023 Community Governance Board. They are all smiling in a mosaic of colorful headshots. It is a mix of Black and brown residents of St. Louis (mostly Black residents).

Photo by Nyara Williams & Tyler Small

Community Governance Board

The Racial Healing + Justice Pilot Fund Community Governance Board reviewed and had decision-making power over the distribution of funding to Black and brown healing and justice initiatives.

Why have a Community Governance Board?

A central value of the Racial Healing + Justice Fund is that it is informed, designed, and led by community members and advocates who are directly impacted by racialized oppression. The Racial Healing + Justice Fund Community Governance Board (CGB) was a voting body of 9-15 community members from St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and St. Clair County who receive a stipend for their time and insight. Community members could serve one or more terms on the Community Governance Board over the course of the three grant cycles of the Racial Healing + Justice Pilot Fund.

Community Governance Board Responsibilities

Grants and Allocation Decision-Making

Community Voice & Learning

  • Activating on community engagement and voice
  • Collecting, evaluating, learning from process and granting outcomes
  • Continual improvement and adaptation based on process and community voice
  • Support lead: Forward Through Ferguson

Full Board

  • Voting on recommended slate of grants in each cycle
  • Deciding on new and continuing priorities
  • Coordination lead: Forward Through Ferguson

The 2022-2023 Community Governance Board members included:

  • Michelle Barbeau
  • Aaron Rogers
  • Mia Malcolm
  • Dawne Turner
  • Perez Maxwell
  • Tyrean Lewis
  • Samantha Minor
  • Rorke Chhouk
  • Shonda Ambers-Phillips
  • Angel McCain
  • Diamond Spencer
  • Darian Wigfall
  • Erika Essiem
  • Ashley Winters

View the May 2022 Press Release – St. Louis Regional Racial Healing + Justice Fund Announces Community Governance Board: Residents of the Bi-State Area Direct Investments for Community Healing