Accountable Bodies: Metro Transit - St. Louis

Create a Discounted Youth Transit Pass

Create a youth discounted public transit metro pass (through age 25) to get to services and jobs, regardless of whether or not the youth is in school or employed.  

Tags Youth at the Center
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Prioritize Transit-Oriented Development

Prioritize mixed-use, mixed-income, right sized development near rail transit through changes in zoning, financial incentives for developers, and transit benefits for residents of developments. Prioritize developments for the underserved in the North and South St. Louis region.  

Tags Optimizing Existing Housing SupportOpportunity to Thrive
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Encouraging Use of Public Transportation

Incentivize residents of St. Louis City and County to try transit by: Implementing a ridership program that educates individuals on how to use the system for work or education trips and demonstrates the possibilities for job access and educational trips and potential personal cost savings; Improving bus tracking to enhance the ease with which bus…

Tags Opportunity to Thrive
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