Accountable Bodies: Missouri Congressional Delegation

Increase Health Insurance Coverage and Access

Increase insurance coverage and access for everyone: Enroll more people in the Affordable Care Act marketplace Expand Medicaid Ensure the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is reauthorized so school-based health centers can use this as one source of funding care. To ease enrollment into CHIP, implement “presumptive eligibility” into the school-based health center settings for all children…

Tags Youth at the Center
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Establish School-Based Health Centers & Trauma-Informed Schools

Improve childhood physical and mental health: Establish School Based Health Centers: The creation of comprehensive school based health centers in the region should include access to mental health, case management and reproductive health. These centers keep kids in school (both by preventing illness and addressing behavioral health issues that lead to suspension and expulsion), in…

Tags EducationYouth at the Center
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Support Federal “Gainful Employment” Regulations

Support federal regulation of for-profit colleges via the U.S. Department of Education final rules focusing on “gainful employment” that prevents students from being buried in debt, sets more rigorous accountability, provides transparency about student outcomes and encourages income-based repayment plans.    

Tags Opportunity to Thrive
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