Racial Healing + Justice Fund

Photo Credit: Nyara Williams & Tyler Small
Apply For Funding!
Community initiatives that align with the funding priorities and activities that are Black- or Brown-led are invited to apply.
APPLY NOWTell us more about you. Send your videos, social media handles, or any format that shares more about you and your work to rhjf@forwardthroughferguson.org including your name and title of your project or organization with the subject line:Grant Submission Materials. We will add them to your application file! This is not a requirement, however the Community Governance Board will review every contribution submitted, so please consider sharing your story along with your application. The application closes on October 5, 2022.
Please refer to the Racial Healing + Justice Fund Cycle 3 Glossary if you have any questions about the terms referenced in the application. Email rhjf@forwardthroughferguson.org if you have any questions.
View the program of the Community Voice and Learning Event below, which includes information about the Fund, stories from previous grantees, and insights about the application and granting process.
2022 Grant Cycle
On August 22, 2022, the Community Governance Board (CGB) of the St. Louis Regional Racial Healing + Justice Fund launched the Fund’s third grant cycle with a goal of investing $800,000 this round in Black and Brown-led community healing and racial justice initiatives. The investment would mark the largest dollar amount distributed in one cycle in the history of the Fund and add to more than $550,000 already distributed to organizations in the first two cycles.
Past Grants
Grant distributions for the first and second grant cycles of the RH+JF total more than $554,000 of the Fund’s $1.69 million.
Learn about past Fund grant cycles + recipients:
The Fund is a radical exercise in anti-racist philanthropy where the community has complete decision-making power over the allocation of funds. These decisions are made by the Community Governance Board and are centered around healing the core of our community from racial trauma, and changing the conditions of systemic racism. Learn more by reading our Grant Philosophy.
The Community Governance Board
The Community Governance Board (CGB) is made up of Black and Brown residents of the St. Louis region and surrounding counties who are responsible for managing the Racial Healing + Justice Fund’s granting process and priorities.
CGB members are entrusted with:
- Supporting interested Racial Healing + Justice Fund applicants in navigating the grant process
- Reviewing grant applications and making funding decisions
- Honoring community engagement and voice

Photo Credit: Nyara Williams & Tyler Small
A Community Designed Fund
Deaconess Foundation, Forward Through Ferguson, and Missouri Foundation for Health, with the thought leadership of InPower Institute, have collaborated to establish the St. Louis Regional Racial Healing Fund to invest in healing community trauma and changing the conditions that reinforce systemic racism. With a matching grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and a growing pool of participating organizations, $1.69 million has already been committed to the effort. Through a community-led grantmaking process, the fund will support efforts to develop capacity and infrastructure in the racial justice movement to envision, articulate, and create a transformed St. Louis region through community organizing and healing arts.
Together, we are envisioning, articulating, and creating a transformed St. Louis region through community organizing and healing arts. Learn more about the history of the Fund and the community design process that led up to the launch in 2020.
Forward Through Ferguson (FTF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and does not operate as a foundation or grantor. FTF leads project management and provides community design/engagement support for the Racial Healing + Justice Fund while support for grant administration is provided by Deaconess Foundation.
Core Principles:
Prioritize Inclusion & Community Voice: Uplift and engage St. Louis’ Black and people of color communities. Center the value of lived experience, emotional wisdom, and intellect.
Grow Community Awareness, Power, and Resilience: Acknowledge collective impact. Guard sacredness of members’ powers as individuals. Invest in community capacity.
Humanize Equity: Push back against white supremacy culture and mindset. Promote the health of one’s whole self. Create liberating practices which harness the power of imagination to self-determine and self-actualize community healing.
Check out this video featuring grantees from the Fund’s first cycle, where grantees share stories about joy, uplifting St. Louis’ Black and Brown communities, and supporting Racial Healing that’s #ForUsByUs.
Funding Partners
18 local and national foundations are among the organizations currently helping to support the Racial Healing + Justice Fund:
Big League Impact
Clark-Fox Family Foundation
Commerce Bank
Deaconess Foundation
JF Roblee Foundation
Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis
Light a Single Candle Foundation
Marillac Mission Fund
Midwest Bank Centre
Missouri Foundation for Health
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Saint Louis Community Foundation
Saint Louis MHB
The Trio Foundation of St. Louis
Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock
YouthBridge Community Foundation
United Way of Greater St. Louis
Washington University of St. Louis
For more information on becoming a Funding Partner, contact Kiesha Davis, director of partnership and capacity building for Deaconess Foundation at kieshad@deaconess.org.