Consolidate Law Enforcement Agencies

Law enforcement agencies across the St. Louis region
shall consolidate contiguous jurisdictions. For the purpose
of the consolidation process, the agencies shall designate
anchor departments through an evaluation process which
determines the department that best aligns with the
vision for policing in the St. Louis region described by
the Commission. Consolidation clusters may include
those enumerated in the Police Executive Research
Forum report “Overcoming the Challenges and Creating
a Regional Approach to Policing in St. Louis City and
County” (PERF Report)

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FTF Co-Chairs and Community Partners Call for Swift Policy Action

Residents Call for Policy Change, Regional Leaders Must Rise to the Challenge Forward Through Ferguson co-chairs, Rebeccah Bennett and Zachary Boyers, and 30 community partners call on policy and decision makers to deliver swift action on Ferguson Commission Calls to Action.  Read the full statement on Medium, or download a pdf here. “Unfortunately, we’ve been…

Tags Justice for AllImplementation
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Opportunity for a New Approach to Public Safety in St. Louis

An open letter to Mayor Lyda Krewson from Rebeccah Bennett and Zachary Boyers, Co-chairs of Forward Through Ferguson, on the public safety opportunity in front of our region. Click here to download a pdf of the open letter. Mayor Krewson, The retirement of Police Chief Sam Dotson represents a new day for public safety in St. Louis….

Tags Justice for AllRacial EquityImplementation
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