Ensure Language Access
Ensure language access for non-English speakers through enforcement and expansion of Missouri Revised Statute 476.803.1 for courts-related services and addition of statute to include all emergency services, including law-enforcement departments and ambulance services. Consider revision of statute to disallow parents to serve as first-option translators for children in court.
Expand Internship and Apprenticeship Opportunities
Expand internships and apprentice opportunities for eligible high school and college students.
Reform School Discipline Policies
Reform policies and practices that disproportionately impact youth of color and students with disabilities and further compromise their ability to thrive and succeed: Reform rules pertaining to school disproportionality of behavior referrals, suspensions, expulsions, special education, advanced courses, etc. and ensure that multi- tiered levels of support are in place to prevent disproportionality and systems…
Ensure College Counseling for All High School Students
Ensure all high school students have quality college counseling. Not every high school in Missouri has a dedicated college counselor; many times caseload size prohibits meaningful guidance; guidance counseling certification should be reviewed.
Ensure Equitable Access to Rigorous High School Courses
Ensure all high school students have access to rigorous courses with quality instruction. Students need to be exposed to high-level courses in high school to garner the academic skills necessary to enter and succeed in college.
Early Childhood Education
Ensure sufficient early childhood development and education programs to meet the demand and align all efforts around a high-quality model that produces measurable child outcomes: Birth to 3 years of age: Scale-up and integrate, for the region’s most needy children and families, evidence-based early childhood programs for a continuum of care, including but not limited…
Ensure Employer-Educator Collaborations Build a Love of Learning
Ensure all efforts and models designed to align K-12, higher education and workforce development support the social and emotional development of children, youth and young adults and broadly build life-long skills and a love of learning.
School Accreditation System
Revise the Missouri accreditation system (MSIP5). Ensure that the process of revision incorporates the following: Inclusive Participation – ensure that the revision team includes broad representation including: K-12 – district superintendents, principals and teachers Higher education representatives Parents and students Business, philanthropic and community social support representatives Lens Assessment – ensure that the new system…
Amend Role of Assistance Teams
Ensure members of assistance teams are qualified, based on their past performance in failing districts with similar circumstances and omit or change language to “may” consider the recommendations of the assistance teams.
Limit Criteria for Denial of Transfers
No student shall be denied a transfer based on criteria that does not exclude him/her from attending a school in their resident district. Only students who have committed a safe schools violation be ineligible for transfer.
Adopt the Voluntary Interdistrict Choice Corporation (VICC) Calculation
Adopt the Voluntary Inter-District Choice Corporation (VICC) calculation of $7,200 as the maximum rate.
Hold Schools Accepting Transfer Students Accountable
Mandate accountability. If districts are going to accept students and funds, they must accept accountability.
Identify Convenient Transfer Schools
Prioritize accredited schools in same district when transferring students from unaccredited schools.
Create School-Based Early Warning Systems
Invest, at the school level, in a quarterly, early warning and coordinated community response system capable of tracking and responding to all students’ successes and challenges.
Support Post-Secondary Access for DACA Students
Support postsecondary access and affordability for residents who are approved under DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals): Allow state-supported higher education institutions to charge DACA students resident tuition rates vs. non-resident or international tuition rates. Ensure DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) students are eligible for all public financial aid and public benefits afforded to…
Review All State Scholarship Programs
Review state scholarship programs
Expand the Access Missouri Program
Expand Access Missouri: Increase the total budget for Missouri’s need-based scholarship program to at least the FY2009 budget amount of $92 million. Since 2009, Missouri has decreased its investment in Access Missouri, resulting in student aid awards that barely meet statutory minimums. Individual awards fall far short of meeting student financial need.
Encourage Paid Time Off for Volunteering
Promote “volunteer paid time off” for employees, including but not limited to expert giving, mentoring and tutoring.
Review the Missouri Family Support Division
Create a Missouri Blue Ribbon Commission (via Executive Order) to conduct a thorough and inclusive review of the current operating model and outcomes of Missouri Family Support Division
End Hunger for Children and Families
End hunger for children and families: Create policies and procedures that are client- centric. (i.e. Individuals employed in shift work jobs cannot easily answer telephone calls. Failure to answer call forces individual to go to the “back of the line”). Support and advocate for the expansion of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and WIC (Women,…
Build Safe Neighborhoods
Support sustained, citizen-led efforts to develop safe neighborhoods, particularly the efforts of parents and families impacted by violence, and clergy working to build community and keep watch. Support should include, but not be limited to, planning, coaching, funding and service- provider coordination
Create the Spirit of Missouri Fund
Create the Spirit of Missouri Fund Invest in a range of innovations that have a strong potential to impact at a large scale our state’s most vexing challenges. Broadly define innovation as any solution that has the potential to address an important issue, including new business problems, technology, new delivery systems, public policy and/or behavioral…
Identify Job Training Best Practices
A designated task force appointed by the Department of Economic Development’s Workforce Development Division shall identify critical attributes of job training programs that shall be used: As criteria for guiding current job training organizations; As standards to evaluate the success of those programs; and As criteria for awarding priority grant funding from local foundations and…
Create Pathways for Lower Skilled Employees
Modify incentive programs for employers to prioritize those that have internal career ladders creating clear pathways to higher skilled jobs for lower skilled employees.
Assess Tax Incentives to Ensure that They Serve the Intended Population
State and local incentives shall be analyzed to ensure that they are ultimately serving the intended target population. The recommendations of the Tax Credit Accountability Review Commission (a body of private citizens selected to make recommendations to the legislature) shall be reviewed and given consideration.
Launch Best Practice-Driven Job Training Programs
Expand and incentivize transitional job programs containing confirmed critical attributes to be identified by a designated task force appointed by the Department of Economic Development’s Workforce Development Division to serve a greater number of employment-ready individuals including those who are TANF recipients, long-term unemployed, and at-risk youth.
Expand the Statewide Housing Trust Fund
Expand the statewide Missouri housing trust fund (HTF) program by doubling the current real estate transaction filing fee
Institute Fair Housing Protections
Create fair housing protections that prohibit discrimination by source of income for the entire State of Missouri.
Develop a State Supported Funding Plan for Public Transit
Develop a State supported funding plan for public transit in order to fill a significant funding deficit when seeking federal dollars for transit capital projects requiring matching funds.
Expand Funding for Public Colleges that Serve Disadvantaged Students
Establish a funding pool in the form of a competitive grant program to encourage public 2- and 4-year colleges to develop disadvantaged students that are well prepared for and matched to labor market demand in key sectors, as defined through partnership with the area business community, by providing more resources based on academic and employment…
Enhance Collaboration Between Educational Institutions and Employers
Enhance and expand collaboration between educational institutions and employers statewide by: Establishing a regional intermediary to ensure greater public-private collaboration in assessing workforce needs and communicating those needs with K-12 institutions, job training programs, and post-secondary education institutions; Developing a regional strategy for aligning educational programs to workforce needs that has clearly established indicators to…
Implement a State Section 3 Hiring Program
Create a state complement to the Federal Section 3 hiring program, which requires developers to make employment available to low and very-low income residents of the community in which the development is located.
Implement Earned Income and Child Tax Credits
Implement a refundable state earned income tax credit (EITC) and child tax credit (CTC), set at a proportion of the federal credit.
Encourage Savings With Tax-Refund Matching
Institute a match of taxpayers’ savings deposits made during tax time. Directly deposit matching funds into taxpayers’ savings vehicles.
Raise Awareness of Development Accounts
Develop a rigorous plan, drawing on best practices, that leverages schools, social services systems, and other well-positioned partners in order to encourage the multigenerational impact of development accounts.
Create Individual and Family Development Accounts
Provide progressive Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) and Family Development Accounts (FDAs) offered statewide by means of a dedicated funding stream from the state. Additional potential funding sources include: Using the Community Reinvestment Act to provide banks with credit for funding development accounts; Offering corporate tax breaks for contributions to development accounts; Redirecting unclaimed savings account…
Embed Public Banking Models into Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)
Incorporate the critical attributes embedded in public banking models into Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to advance a more equitable economy by namely: Lending to banks with better practices of equitable investing; and Subsidizing interest rates for small businesses, students, and homebuyers Providing local business with greater access to credit Augmenting the lending capacity of private…
End Predatory Lending
End predatory lending by changing repayment terms, underwriting standards, collection practices and by capping the maximum APR at the rate of 36%.
Protect the Rights of Workers to Organize
Protect the right of workers to organize and collectively bargain.
Protect Rights of Local Government
Protect local government’s ability to innovate above the minimum policy standards maintained by the federal or state government to meet the special needs of their community.
Raise the Minimum Wage
Raise the minimum wage to $15/hr.
Create Universal Child Development Accounts
Expand the current scope of the MOST 529 Matching Grant Program so it is used as a platform for progressive universal Child Development Accounts that are: statewide and automatic (opt-out).
Expand Medicaid Eligibility
Expand eligibility for Medicaid to 138% of the federal poverty level (or an annual income of $32,913 for a family of four) so that Missouri can take full advantage of federal funds available to meet the health needs of Missourians.
Require Psychological and Bias Screenings
All officers hired by a municipal or County police department shall undergo a full psychological screening, in conjunction with a bias screening, by a Countyapproved psychiatrist or psychologist. New hires shall also receive a full background investigation. All police departments shall contact Missouri POST to review the license status and any known disciplinary history of…
Support Officer Well-Being
The State of Missouri’s respective departments shall implement annual, independent, and confidential mental health and physical fitness checks and nutritional support for officers. (Adapted from Action Item 6.1.2 of Presidential Task Force on 21st Century Policing report)
Provide Mental Health Services for Officers
The State of Missouri shall support law enforcement agencies with research and funding to offer tailored, independent, and confidential mental health treatments to officers, including a toll-free mental health hotline specifically for officers, anonymously connecting callers to officers who are not in the same agency and who could refer the caller to professional help if…
Conduct Peer Review of Critical Incidents
Law enforcement agencies across the state shall implement a non-punitive peer review of critical incidents separate from criminal and administrative investigations that are intended to be education-based resources for officers. These reviews must be equipped with adequate legal protections for officers, including immunity, privacy, confidentiality, and nondisclosure. (Adapted from Recommendation 2.3 of Presidential Task Force…
Increase Police Training Hours
St. Louis area police departments should develop and mandate tactical, wellness, and anti-bias training each year consisting of an additional 24 hours per year for a total of 72 hours in a three-year reporting period.
Increase Funding and Support for POST
The State of Missouri shall provide additional resources that support Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) monitoring, oversight, and investigative roles.
Hold Non-Consolidated Agencies to Shared Standards
The State of Missouri shall require non-consolidated agencies to follow the standards set forth by the “Vision for Policing in the St. Louis Region.” Non-consolidated agencies shall integrate independent civilian evaluation, as well as assessment from all levels of the agency, from line officer to leadership, to ensure accordance with the Vision. Adapted from PERF…
Evaluate Consolidated Departments
Newly consolidated departments shall be assessed periodically through independent civilian evaluation, as well as assessment from all levels of the agency, from line officer to leadership, to ensure accordance with the vision for policing in the St. Louis region described by the Commission.
Consolidate Law Enforcement Agencies
Law enforcement agencies across the St. Louis region shall consolidate contiguous jurisdictions. For the purpose of the consolidation process, the agencies shall designate anchor departments through an evaluation process which determines the department that best aligns with the vision for policing in the St. Louis region described by the Commission. Consolidation clusters may include those…
Create Civilian Review Boards at the County Level
Counties across the state should establish independent civilian oversight boards designed to manage municipal oversight boards and civilian investigations particularly when local efforts cannot sufficiently address incidents under review. In addition, these independent investigative boards shall align with the following characteristics for effectiveness: • Able and authorized to investigate potential criminal wrongdoing by officers and…
Create Civilian Review Boards at the Municipal Level
Municipalities (community organizations, municipal governments) shall establish independent civilian oversight boards designed to meet the unique needs of each municipality. In addition, independent civilian oversight boards shall have the power to review non-confidential police data and engage in regular meetings with police upper management to advise them on policies and practices. The purpose of the board shall be to identify any administrative, supervisory,…
Clarify Public Record Laws
Legislative bodies within the State of Missouri shall update public record laws, such that the relationship between public access and privacy of individuals is clarified. Policies and practices should at a minimum increase transparency and accessibility, provide access to information (e.g. crime statistics, characteristics of use of force incidents, current calls for service, department organizational…
Fund Technology Storage
Law enforcement agencies statewide shall receive additional resources to support technology storage fees. (Adapted from Recommendation 2.3 of Presidential Task Force on 21st Century Policing report)
Minimize Use of Militarized Weaponry
Direct the state to cease providing, and local departments to cease using, militarized weaponry that does not align with a use of force continuum that authorizes only the minimal amount of force necessary: • To protect citizen and officer safety, • That is proportional to the incident, • That brings an unlawful situation safely and…
Establish Use of Force Database
Direct the state of Missouri to establish a statewide database on critical use of force statistics in order to improve department operations, state policy, and the public at large. The database must be publicly available, and in keeping with current sunshine laws, ensure a degree of anonymity that would not identify specific officers’ involved. All…
Prioritize De-Escalation and Tactical Withdrawal
Direct police departments across the state to revise use of force policies and training to prioritize de-escalation and to clarify the instances when officers should engage in tactical withdrawal. Policies and training should orient officers toward least harmful decisions possible.
Revise Use of Force Policies and Training
Direct police departments across the state to revise their policies and training on use of force to authorize only the minimal amount of force necessary: • To protect citizen and officer safety, • That is proportional to the incident, • That brings an unlawful situation safely and effectively under control, and • That preserves the…
Update Use of Force Statute for Fleeing Suspects
Update use of force statute to reflect the United States Supreme Court decision Tennessee v. Garner, which states that, under the Fourth Amendment, a law enforcement officer pursuing a fleeing suspect may not use deadly force to prevent escape unless “the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of…
Create Community Justice Centers
We strongly recommend that municipalities institute some form of community justice center that operates in conjunction with the municipal court for individuals charged with traffic violations and other types of violations who are unable to pay or otherwise in need. This community-based, municipal justice approach could include case management and social work services, providing judges…
Provide Municipal Court Support Services
Municipal courts shall retain the services of dedicated personnel (e.g., social workers, community service coordinators, through a community justice center or otherwise) for the provision of social services, diversion options, and other alternatives to traditional sentencing to all municipal defendants who choose or are determined to require such services.
Establish Alternative Sentences Options
Municipal courts shall establish effective alternatives to jail time, fines, and fees for violations of municipal ordinances, including payment plans and community service.
Close Records of Non-Violent Offenses by Minors
All non-violent offenses by minors shall be treated as closed juvenile records.
Prevent Targeting and Collusion in the Municipal Governance System
The Legislature and the Supreme Court shall create rules to require the principal actors in the entire system of municipal governance (municipal officials, police officers, prosecutors, municipal court judges) to sign an annual code of ethics that prohibits targeting or collusion.
Apply Conflict-of-Interest Rules Universally
The Missouri Supreme Court shall not exempt municipal court personnel from its conflict-of-interest rules.
Prevent Conflicts of Interest Among Prosecutors
Municipal prosecutors shall be prohibited from representing criminal defendants in municipal courts within the county in which they serve as a prosecutor.
Prevent Conflicts of Interest Among Judges
Municipal judges shall be prohibited from engaging in municipal court practice in the county in which they serve as a municipal judge.
Fund Existing and New Laws
The State Legislature and/or Supreme Court shall provide adequate funding for enforcement of existing and new laws relating to municipal courts and governance.
Consolidate Municipal Courts
The Missouri Supreme Court shall take direct jurisdiction of municipal court functions through the associate circuit court and consolidate into an appropriate number the municipal courts for the purpose of the efficient administration of justice.
Determine Defendants’ Ability to Pay
To keep from assessing a fine or fee that a defendant simply cannot afford, municipal courts shall determine a defendant’s ability to pay at the defendant’s first court hearing
Eliminate Punitive Impounding of Vehicles
In the event of arrest, municipal courts shall allow owners of legally-compliant vehicles a reasonable number of hours to have their vehicle moved by a licensed and capable driver in lieu of impounding the vehicle as a punitive measure. Penalties associated with immediate impoundment are disproportionately burdensome on poor and impoverished residents and are not…