Build Healthy, Affordable Housing
Support the Missouri Housing Development Commission’s 2015-16 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) as it references unit sizes, investment of LIHTC, and workforce housing namely with respect to:
- Limiting applications to fifty (50) affordable units (with exceptions mentioned in the QAP)
- Prohibiting new construction and conversion in locations where the total publicly subsidized housing units (as defined in the Market Study Guidelines) equal more than 20% of all units in the census tract where the development will be located
- Prohibiting (with exceptions listed in the QAP) proposed development in the Kansas City or St. Louis region within one mile of any development that has been approved for State Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), Federal LIHTC, Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) or Fund Balance funding through the Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) within the previous two fiscal-year funding cycles and is less than 90% leased-up at the time of application submission.
- Requiring that developments address the affordable housing needs of the state, region, and locality where they will be located and with the considerations listed in the QAP.
- Prioritizing the development of service-enriched housing
Accountable Bodies: Missouri Housing Development Commission Housing Authorities in the region
Take Action
Support increased access to care
Contact your local state legislator to express your support for Medicaid expansion. Join local or state advocacy organizations to get involved.
Invest in a child’s future
Make a financial investment in a child’s savings account.