Community Teach-In Mini-Series

More and more St. Louisans are demanding a transformed public safety system that moves away from the reactive arrest-and-incarcerate model to a system that invests in community members’ opportunity to thrive. This Community Teach-In mini-series, held in September 2020, focused on the people, policies, and processes that influence how both St. Louis City and St. Louis County’s police departments are funded and operated. We believe that residents have a right to know how decisions regarding policing and public safety are made in the region.

In this series, we discussed the City and County police budget, go through power and process maps, have discussions about non-police first responders alternatives, and more.

Watch the recordings:

September 4, 2020 — Public Safety Policy in St. Louis City

Held on September 4, 2020, “Power Behind The Badge: Public Safety Policy in St. Louis City” focused on the people, policies, and processes that influence policing and public safety in St. Louis City. We go through power and process maps, preview the City’s budget statistics, and facilitate a panel discussion.

We were joined by Inez Bordeaux (ArchCity Defenders), Megan Betts (WSU Community Engagement Institute, former Co-Founder, Northside Neighbors United), Rasheen Aldridge (St. Louis City Board of Aldermen, former MO State Representative), Jae Shepherd (M4BL, formerly Action St. Louis), and Cristina Garmendia (former Project Lead, Equity Indicators).

September 9, 2020 — Public Safety Policy in St. Louis County

Held on September 9, 2020, “Power Behind The Badge: Public Safety Policy in St. Louis County” focused on the people, policies, and processes that influence policing and public safety in St. Louis County. We go through power and process maps, preview the County’s budget statistics, and facilitate a panel discussion.

We were joined by Councilwomen Rita Days and Lisa Clancy, Dr. LJ Punch (The T STL, The BRIC, Power4STL), Heather Taylor (Ethical Society of Police), and John Chasnoff (Coalition Against Police Crimes & Repression).

September 16, 2020 — Reimagining Public Safety with National Community Leaders


Held on September 16, 2020, “Power Behind The Badge: Reimagining Public Safety with National Community Leaders” brought in national panelists who can speak to the themes discussed in the past two Teach-Ins as they relate to other local contexts across the country. Some significant areas of focus will be: What are some first-responder alternatives? What does success look like in defunding the police? Can a world without police actually exist? What community needs/concerns need to be addressed on the road to transforming our public safety?

Speakers included:

  • Chas Moore, ED @ Austin Justice Coalition
  • Anne Larsen, Olympia Police Department Outreach Services Coordinator & oversees Olympia’s Crisis Response and Peer Navigators program
  • Benjamin Brubaker, CAHOOTS in Eugene, OR
  • Arti Walker-Peddakota, Trustee in Oak Park, IL and Co-founder of Freedom to Thrive Oak Park

Community Accountability Tools

Budget Statistics

These visuals show St. Louis City and County’s budget. You will find how much money was spent on police & public safety compared to health, hospitals, & human services.

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Police Incidents Timeline (2017 – 2020)

In alignment with the list of 5 Demands released in 2020 by the St. Louis Organizing Table and other Justice For All policy priorities, we have put together a timeline of police incidents over the last 4 years that could have been prevented or avoided if certain policies/interventions were enacted.

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Power, Decision, & Process Maps

These maps show the people, policies, and processes that influence policing in St. Louis City + County.

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