Accountable Bodies: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)

Create a 25-year Managed Fund

Create a 25-year managed fund to solely support regional racial equity infrastructure for all sectors. Funding for racial equity capacity, needs and training assessment, analysis, implementation, impact, sustained strategies and accountability.

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Reform School Discipline Policies

Reform policies and practices that disproportionately impact youth of color and students with disabilities and further compromise their ability to thrive and succeed: Reform rules pertaining to school disproportionality of behavior referrals, suspensions, expulsions, special education, advanced courses, etc. and ensure that multi- tiered levels of support are in place to prevent disproportionality and systems…

Tags Youth at the CenterEducation
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Develop School Leader and Teacher Support Infrastructure

Create a school leader and teacher cohort model that promotes well-being by building connectivity and support among peers, facilitates lifelong learning and idea exchange and a ensures a personal experience within an environment of trust, respect and confidentiality Model: Young Presidents Organization (YPO)  

Tags EducationYouth at the Center
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School Accreditation System

Revise the Missouri accreditation system (MSIP5). Ensure that the process of revision incorporates the following: Inclusive Participation – ensure that the revision team includes broad representation including: K-12 – district superintendents, principals and teachers Higher education representatives Parents and students Business, philanthropic and community social support representatives Lens Assessment – ensure that the new system…

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Measuring Child Well-Being

Advance science around measuring child well-being; adopt new coordinated, scalable models for collecting data, in particular subjective well-being.  

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Create School-Based Early Warning Systems

Invest, at the school level, in a quarterly, early warning and coordinated community response system capable of tracking and responding to all students’ successes and challenges.    

Tags Youth at the CenterEducation
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Create an Education Design and Financing Task Force

The role of the task force is to study the current education landscape in the St. Louis region as it relates to structure, financing and support/opportunity systems including Saint Louis Public Schools, school districts in Saint Louis County and the Special School District. The task force’s charge is to design a system where all children…

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Create an Innovative Education Hub

Create an “innovative education center/hub” capable of building an inclusive, collaborative, and multi-disciplined education environment focused on leading our region into the 21st Century from early childhood to post-secondary. All efforts should be coordinated and represented by a broad and diverse constituency including but not limited to school district leaders representing low income districts, engaged…

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Support Federal “Gainful Employment” Regulations

Support federal regulation of for-profit colleges via the U.S. Department of Education final rules focusing on “gainful employment” that prevents students from being buried in debt, sets more rigorous accountability, provides transparency about student outcomes and encourages income-based repayment plans.    

Tags Opportunity to Thrive
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Enhance Collaboration Between Educational Institutions and Employers

Enhance and expand collaboration between educational institutions and employers statewide by: Establishing a regional intermediary to ensure greater public-private collaboration in assessing workforce needs and communicating those needs with K-12 institutions, job training programs, and post-secondary education institutions; Developing a regional strategy for aligning educational programs to workforce needs that has clearly established indicators to…

Tags Opportunity to Thrive
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