Tag: Fostering Equitable Land Reutilization and Affordable Housing

Align Funding to Build Capacity of CDCs

Engage area funders, non-profits, financial institutions, and private sector entities to align resources and provide financial support to encourage collaboration between community development corporations (CDCs) and build their capacity.  

Tags Opportunity to ThriveFostering Equitable Land Reutilization and Affordable Housing
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Encourage CDCs to Collaborate or Merge

In order to improve their professional skills and capacities, community development corporations (CDC) shall collaborate or, when possible and appropriate, merge.  

Tags Opportunity to ThriveFostering Equitable Land Reutilization and Affordable Housing
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Institute Fair Housing Protections

Create fair housing protections that prohibit discrimination by source of income for the entire State of Missouri.  

Tags Opportunity to ThriveHousingFostering Equitable Land Reutilization and Affordable Housing
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Stabilize Middle-Market Neighborhoods

Develop a regional strategy that actively attempts to stabilize middle-market neighborhoods and that emphasizes the health and well being of existing residents (e.g., Baltimore’s Healthy Neighborhoods program).    

Tags Opportunity to ThriveFostering Equitable Land Reutilization and Affordable Housing
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Create a St. Louis County Land Bank

St. Louis County shall create a land bank with a dedicated source of revenue and authority to engage in strategic land reutilization

Tags Fostering Equitable Land Reutilization and Affordable HousingOpportunity to Thrive
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Enact Inclusionary Zoning Ordinances

Enact inclusionary zoning ordinances to promote access to affordable housing for low-income individuals

Tags Opportunity to ThriveHousingFostering Equitable Land Reutilization and Affordable Housing
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